It’s a great feeling. I have just arrived back from a mini book tour of the US and we had a wonderful time hanging around Brooklyn and meeting everyone at my publishers Melville House. I’d like to thank everyone who came to my launch and readings – I really, truly appreciate it.
So far things look good. The Canal seems to be selling and it has been quite well received (there are further reviews about to be published). There were a couple of sarcastic reviews on Goodreads.com – but that is to be expected. I’m fine about that.
I am now gearing up for the UK launch of The Canal. The official publication date is 15th July and my launch will be on Tuesday 20th July (6.30PM) at the wondrous To Hell With Publishing Bookshop in London. I will post more details about this and a busy reading schedule in the coming days.
If you are a US reader reading this and you have finished reading your copy of The Canal then please tell your friends about it . . . and if you feel inclined, I would especially be grateful for a quick review on Amazon.com – there are a few on there already, but some more would, of course, be great.
Expect lots more here soon! In the meantime check out my interview with Catherine Lacey over at the excellent HTMLGIANT.