As I type this we are just eight days away from the *UK launch* of The Canal. Below is a list of my readings and events for July & August:
July 12th:
To Hell with the Lighthouse, featuring authors Adam Marek, John Niven and Lee Rourke (free, from 7.30pm at Peter Parker's Rock 'n' Roll Club, Denmark Street WC2H 8LP).
July 14th:
Literary Death Match London is thrilled to make its Concrete debut with an '80s-themed night of literary mayhem celebrating the launch of Bret Easton Ellis' Imperial Bedrooms (think Less than Zero 25 years later). The seventh London LDM will feature readers Nikesh Shukla, poetess Clare Pollard (representing Bloodaxe Books), novelist Lee Rourke (The Canal), and Milly McMahon.
July 15th:
*Official UK publication date* for The Canal. Available in all good bookshops and online stores.
July 20th:
Launch Party for The Canal, 6.30PM, To Hell with Books, 10 Woburn Walk, London, WC1H 0JL. Q&A with author & literary critic Stuart Evers. Free drinks.
July 21st:
Reading from The Canal at The Big Green Bookshop, Unit 1, Brampton Park Road, Wood Green, London, N22 6BG.
August 3rd:
Reading from The Canal at Broadway Books, 6 Broadway Market, Hackney, London, E8 4QJ.
More events to be announced . . .